Staging a channel tip [Video]

How to leverage the "promote to channel" feature to stage content within a space.

You can schedule individual volleys within a space, but what if you wanted to stage an entire channel so it is pre-populated with volleys before being discovered by your space members? Why would you do this? If you wanted to create a course or resource library type channel.

1. Select your space and tap the blue plus button

2. Select "New group DM"

2. Give it a name (this will be come your channel name)

3. Because this is a group DM, it will ask you to invite members. Select "Skip" if you'd like to keep this private.

4. Pre-populate the DM with any videos, files, images, etc like you normally would.

5. When you are ready to promote this to a channel, right-click (desktop) or long-press (mobile) on the DM name, or tap on the DM name, or tap on the details icon to "View details".

6. Select "Promote to channel"

7. Select "Continue"

Note: When this direct message is promoted to a channel, all space members will be able to find and join it. This cannot be undone.

8. Fill out the channel details

9. If you'd like all members of your space to be added to this channel, select "Add everyone"

There you go! You now have a shiny new channel pre-populated for your next lesson, module, or other uses.

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