Spaces vs Direct Messages

Volley was built from the ground up to enable meaningful conversation for communities, groups, and teams so they can build connection asynchronously.

There are two ways to gather people in Volley–in a space or in a DM

In a space

Invite people to a space if you want them to be able to find and connect with each other and create their own convos and channels (like teams of co-workers, coaching clients, a community, a family chat, etc.).

1. Create a new space by clicking the three dots at the bottom of your left toolbar

2. Chose to Start from scratch or choose a template for your space.

4. Name the space and upload an icon

5. Click the "Invite" button next to your space name to then invite people to your space (via sharing the invite link) or select people from your contacts in Volley

In Direct Messages

Invite people to a conversation in "Direct Messages" (DMs) if they don't need to interact beyond the conversation itself (for groups of friends or colleagues who want to collaborate in a single thread).

To start a 1:1 DM with someone that you're connected with, click the blue plus button and select who you want to talk to from your list of contacts.

To start a 1:1 DM with someone that you're not already connected with, send them your TTMOV link.

1) Go to “Direct Messages” (your profile picture or initials in the top left corner), then click “Invite” at the top of the screen.

You can also access your TTMOV link by clicking the big floating action button (FAB) with a plus sign, then click "Invite people to Volley."

2) Click "Customize invite link." Here you can add your intro volley, make a short bio, copy your link to share with others, and claim your vanity URL, among other things.

3) Click “Copy” and share with people you want to talk to on Volley!

To start a group DM, follow these steps:

1) Go to “Direct Messages” (your profile picture or initials in the top left corner), click the floating action button (FAB) with a big plus sign, then click "New group DM"

2) Give the group DM a name, and add a picture if you'd like

3) Select the people you would like to join this new group DM.

Note: the list that is populated here under "Select Members" is a list of anyone you are in a DM or space within Volley. If the person you want to chat with is not already on Volley or not in that list, hit the "Skip button, select this group DM from your list of DMs, click "Invite" in the top-right corner, click "Copy," and then send the link to the correct people.

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