Share Volley with others [Video]

There are four different volley links that all serve a different purpose:

  • Your own personal Talk to me on Volley link
  • A group DM
  • A space invitation
  • Sharing a public link to a specific volley.

Talk To Me On Volley

When you share your Talk to me on Volley (TTMOV) link, you record a short introduction video for everyone to see, and then anyone who clicks on your TTMOV link will be put into an individual DM with just you and them, and the very first volley in the DM will already be there - your TTMOV video. Think of it like an answering machine: you have a prerecorded message (your TTMOV video) that everyone who tries to contact you sees, they leave you a message (another volley in the DM), and you respond when you get around to it.

Pro tip: this is a game changer when put in a LinkedIn bio, when sent in response to a DM, or even when put into an email signature.  Anyone can click on your TTMOV link and they’re in a DM with you.

To access and share your TTMOV link, follow these steps:

1) Go to “Direct Messages” (your profile picture or initials in the top-left corner), then click “Invite” at the top of the screen.

You can also access your TTMOV link by clicking the big floating action button (FAB) with a plus sign, then click "Invite people to Volley"

2). Click "Customize invite link". Here you can add your intro volley, make a short bio, copy your link to share with others, and claim your vanity URL, among other things.

3) Click “Copy” and share with people you want to talk to on Volley!

Group DM

To start a conversation with multiple people in the Direct Messages part of the app, you can invite them to a group DM.

1) Go to “Direct Messages” (Your profile picture or initials in the top left corner), click the floating action button (FAB) with a big plus sign, then click "New group DM"

2) Give the group DM a name, and add a picture if you'd like

3) Select the people you would like to be a part of this new group DM. Note: the list that is populated here under "Select Members" is a list of anyone you are in a DM or space with in Volley. If the person you want to chat with is not already on Volley or not in that list, hit the "Skip button, select this group DM from your list of DMs, click "Invite" in the top-right corner, click "Copy", and then send the link to the correct people.

Space Invitation

You and your community, team, clients, or anyone else you need to communicate with have decided to use Volley for all your communication needs and you have created a space. Now all that’s missing is getting people into the space!

To invite someone to a space, follow these steps:

1) Select the space you want to invite them to, click the floating action button (big plus sign), and then click "Invite to space"

Note: If you do not see the "Invite to space" option, that means you are not an admin with those privileges

2) Click the blue “Copy” button to copy the invite link, or click "Add from contacts" to add someone who you are already in a DM or space with in Volley

3) If sending the copied link, send the link to anyone you want to invite via text, email, DM, or however you would like. You will receive a notification once that person clicks the link and joins the space.

Share public link

If you want to share a singular volley with the world, use public links. You can send out that volley, and only that volley, for everyone to see. This is similar to sending a link to a YouTube video - the link is only to the video you recorded in Volley. The best part about public links is that the viewer doesn’t need a Volley account to view it (although after watching your volley they’re sure to download it!).

To share a public link, follow the steps below:

1) Click on the three-dot menu to see actions you can take with that specific Volley. Click “Copy public link.”

2) Share that link via email, text, DM, etc. as you would a link to any video on the internet (think sharing a YouTube video).

3) Anyone with that link will be able to access that specific volley and will be taken to a page where they will view it in their browser. Here is an example of what it looks like when someone views your volley in their browser via a public link:

Note: The public link will only display the volley. If you want to also invite that person to become a connection on Volley, share your TTMOV link along with the public link.

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