Join a Space

Spaces are private by nature, which means you have to be invited in order to join them.

There are two ways you can be invited to a space:

  1. Via a Space Invite Link
  2. Via a direct invite from a contact on Volley

How to join a space:

  1. To join a space, click on the invite link provided to you by the space owner (this will launch a browser window)
  2. Create your account or sign in*
  3. You should now see the space listed in the side column of your direct messages area

*Sometimes certain browsers or adblockers will break this process, so if you don't see the space listed in your side column, simply click on the invite link again from a device where you are already signed into Volley, open the invite in Volley, and you should be added to the space.

How to participate in a space:

  1. Click on the space icon in the side column (beneath your profile picture or initials)
  2. Click on any of the channels to start watching volleys
  3. Record a volley by pressing the record button or contribute with any of the other volley types

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