Inviting people to a space [Video]

To invite someone to a space, you first need to have created a space.

Space Invitation

You and your community, team, clients, or anyone else you need to communicate with have decided to use Volley for all your communication needs and you have created a space. Now all that’s missing is getting people into the space!

To invite someone to a space, follow these steps:

1) Select the space you want to invite them to, click the floating action button (big plus sign), and then click "Invite to space"

2) Click the blue “Copy” button to copy the invite link, or scroll down and click "Add from contacts" to add someone who you are already in a DM or space within Volley

3) If sending the copied link, send the link to anyone you want to invite via text, email, DM, or however you would like. You will receive a notification once that person clicks the link and joins the space.

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