Downloading the app

How to download Volley on your mobile device as well as your computer.

Mobile Device


1. Go to

2. Click "Get For iPhone & iPad"

3. You will then be directed to the Apple App Store. Follow instructions on the App Store to finish downloading Volley. Download the app and create a free account.


1. Go to

2. Click "Get For Android"

3. You will then be directed to the Google Play Store. Follow instructions on the Google Play Store to finish downloading Volley. Download the app and create a free account.


1. Go to

2. Click either "Get For Mac" or "Download for PC"

3. The software will begin to download; follow the on-screen prompts to finish set up of Volley on your computer. After downloading the app, create a free account

Note: Chromebooks do not allow Volley to be downloaded directly to the device, but you can still use Volley with the exact same experience in your Google Chrome browser by navigating to in your Google Chrome search bar.

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